As the first-stop ultrasounds for anyone struggling with infertility, these standard scans of the uterus and ovaries will allow us to monitor any abnormalities (for example, cysts or fibroids) and give us a clear view of the developing egg follicles and the uterus lining. This is safe even if you are pregnant as ultrasound is simply high frequency sound waves and does not use any radiation,
Advanced transvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan (with 3D and blood flow studies)
While performed for the same purpose as the simple transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound, this advanced scan uses 3D imaging for a more detailed uterine investigation, as well as looking at blood flow in and around the reproductive organs by utilizing a method called Doppler.
3D Saline Sonography (Hydrosonogram)
Again, a standard ultrasound may not be able to give us a fully clear picture of the lining of the uterus, so 3D Saline Sonography (SIS), is an internal ultrasound scan using a saline solution to show the outline of the uterine cavity. Performed after menstruation and in the first half of the cycle (between days five and 12), this scan can detect problems such as endometrial polyps, fibroids or adhesions. This scan is not performed if there is any possibility of being pregnant.
3D HyCoSy (Hysterosalpingo-contrast-sonography)
If we suspect there may be any damage to your fallopian tubes, we will suggest this HyCoSy scan. Since it is impossible to see the fallopian tubes with normal x-rays or ultrasound, this examination (using an ultrasound and a small catheter) will use a special foam-like liquid to check the flow of fluid through the tubes whilst scanning at the same time. This scan is not performed if there is any possibility of being pregnant.
Endometrial biopsy studies
An endometrial biopsy is recommended when a fertilised embryo is failing to implant into the womb. The procedure is similar to a smear test; a speculum is inserted in to the vagina and a small thin plastic tube is then passed through the cervix for a sample of the tissue lining your womb (endometrium). We can then study this biopsy to identify a possible cause for the implantation failure and determine your best treatment.